ict authority


Modernizing the Transport Sector.


Smart County

Championing the uptake of ICTs in all counties


Modernizing the Transport Sector.


Automation of public financial management

Centre of Excellence

Bridging the gap between industry needs and talent


The Government Data Centre (GDC) houses applications that support government services. Through this centralization, government data is easy to easy access by government bodies at the national and county levels. The GDC currently offers the following services:

1. Virtual Services /Cloud Service Solution
    - The Authority also offers Virtual Data Center (VMware) and Virtual Server components tailored to deliver customized solutions to the MDAs.

2. Data Center Services
    - Benefits include access to managed security, remote support, firewalls, fire suppression systems and environmental controls.

3. Training & Capacity Building
    - Through the GDC the Authority trains on the operations and management of other data centers.

4. Connectivity
    - All clients connected to GDC can be able to communicate with each other as long as they have point of presence at the Data Centre.

Public Key Infrastructure


1. The ICT Authority is currently working on the Operationalization and Activation of the National Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI) as one of the core deliverable projects within this financial year (2021-2022). 
2. As the Government Certification Agency (GCA), the ICT Authority is expected to offer the Digital Certificates services to various government agencies among them the Kenya Revenue Authority, the National Transport and Safety Authority, Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning and the National Treasury just to mention a few.
3. The National Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI) is a system used for the creation, storage and distribution of digital certificates, which are used to verify that a particular public key (online/virtual identity) belongs to a certain entity. 
4. The NPKI comprises a Root Certificate Authority (RCA) and the respective Government Certificate Authorities (CAs). The Kenyan Government Root Certificate Authority (RCA) is as by law operated and managed by the Communications Authority of Kenya.
5. The Kenyan Government Certificate Authority (GCA) is operated and managed by the ICT Authority (ICTA) as by the law. 
6. The ICT Authority plays the role of a Certification Authority (CAs) which is an entity that issues the Digital Certificates to end-users who in turn use them as per the applications that need protection, validation and non-repudiation. 
7. The use of digital signature technology is used to identify transacting parties, to confirm whether the transaction has been changed or not, and to prove the fact of the transaction. 
8. The envisaged use of the National Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI)  currently in Government includes Digital online transactions, e-learning, e-government, among others.



The Government’s vision is to provide a digitally empowered citizenry, living in a digitally enabled society as the per the country’s Digital Economy Blueprint. Digital Economy & Electronic transactions ecosystem cannot take place without the capacity of electronically identifying people, entities, organizations’ and machines in a reliable way. The National Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI) technology using digital certificates (equivalent to electronic identity cards or wet ink) is the most secure form of identification electronically and also ensures protecting electronic data. 
The National Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI) facility will offer the following core benefits to various MCDA’s and Government agencies:
    (a) Authentication
The National Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI) Infrastructure univocally guarantees an entity’s identity and attributes (who is it and what is it?) and establishes who is sending/receiving data across.
    (b) Integrity
The National Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI) service functionality detects any changes that may have taken place accidentally or intentionally while data is stored or transmitted over the Internet. Authentication and integrity services are the basis of electronic signatures, which can be compared with hand-written signatures, thus removing the need for paper and wet ink. 
    (c) Non-repudiation
The National Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI) ensures all parties to a transaction cannot convincingly deny having participated in the transaction.
    (d) Confidentiality
The confidentiality service enables electronic data (files and communications) to be protected, and controls access to the data by applying PKI-based authentication mechanisms.



The Governments’ National (Public Key Infrastructure) PKI scheme consists of four envisaged independent organizational structures and agencies. These are;
    (a) Steering committee: The Steering committee has a role to supervise, manage and make strategic decisions related to National PKI.
    (b) Root Certification Authority (CA): Communications Authority (CA) has the role of a Root CA which supervises and regulates Certification Authorities (CAs).
    (c)  Government Certification Authority (GCA): The ICT Authority has a role of Government Certification Authority (CA) which issues digital certification subscriber. 
    (d) Registration Authority (RA): An E-Government service provider assumes the role of a Registration Authority, which is to identify and register subscribers of digital certificates to Government Certification Authorities (CAs). (.e.g. Ministries and other user agencies). This role will be played by the ICT Authority.


Illustration of the Kenyan National Public Key Infrastructure Scheme.




The highest legislation related to National Public Key Infrastructure in Kenya as per the current laws and regulations is “Kenya Information and Communications Act of 1998 CAP 411A” revised under the “Electronic Certification and Domain Name Administration Regulation 2010”. With these laws, both the ICT Authority and the Communication Authority are mandated and empowered to offer the NPKI Services in their respective distinct roles as indicated below.

    - Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has a role of a Root CA and its role is to define license framework for Certificate Service Content Providers (E-CSP’s) or Government Certificate Authority & Private Certificate Authority that issues certificates through “Technical rollout requirements for Certification Service Providers.

    - The ICT Authority as a State Corporation formed by the Legal Notice No. 183, cited as the Information and Communications Technology Authority Order, 2013 under the State Corporations Act, Cap. 446. Under Section 4 of the aforementioned Order, ICTA is mandated to amongst others, “promote e-Government services, and facilitate optimal electronic, electronic form, electronic record and equipment use in the public service”. This implies that it is upon us as the ICT Authority to be the Government Certification Authority (GCA) with respect to the operationalization of the National Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI).



    (a) Business Laws Amendment Act - March 2020
The recent developments to the scope of application of Electronic Certification services. The amendment has necessitated the amendment of KICA Section 83B (1) by deleting paragraph (c). The Business Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was passed to law on 18th March 2020. Clause 13 of the Bill provides for the amendment of section 83B of KICA to provide for electronic means of authenticating and signing documents of title which was previously not applicable.

    (b) The Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, April 2020
Section 59. (1) A digital signature certificate required by a procuring entity shall be obtained from a certifying agency licensed by the Communications Authority of Kenya for accounting officer, head of the procurement function, tender opening and evaluation committee, as the case may be.

    (c) Land Registration Act (Electronic Transactions) Regulations Amendment Proposal 2020
The ongoing amendments to the Lands Registration Act to provide for various uses and applications of the Digital and Electronic Signatures.

The Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs through the ICT Authority as a licensed Electronic–Service Content Provider (E-SCP) and as the Government Licensed Certification Authority (GovCA) and the Communication Authority (CA) as the regulator and Root Certification Authority (RCA) are currently implementing the National Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI). 

The NPKI is a National Critical Information Infrastructure (NCII) and is recognized in the  Vision 2030 blueprint as one of the ICT flagship projects aimed at authorizing and authenticating information systems in the country as well as to facilitate the rollout of e-government services and electronic transactions. The integration of Digital Signatures into various government services as a form of online security and identity will increase the level of trust between Government agencies, customers, business partners, vendors and ultimately the citizens spurring e-commerce and digital trade.

Applications & Systems Department

Services offered by the ICT Authority Applications & Systems Department

1. Domains

A Domain name is a case-insensitive string of letters, numbers, and hyphens that is used to define the location of a web service where they are used as pointers to IP addresses.  A Second-level domain is a domain that is directly below a top-level domain. For example, in kenya.go.ke “.go” is the second-level domain of the .ke.The ICT Authority is the Registrar of the Government domains i.e. ".go.ke". The registration of the domain follows the following process;-
    (a) The registrant ( Organization that owns/requesting the domain registration) writes an official request to the ICT Authority.
    (b) Once the request is received, processed and approved, the domain is registered and the organization notified of the registration.
    (c) For renewals, change of host or any enquiries on domains an official/email request can be sent to:websupport@ict.go.ke

2. Hosting

The ICT Authority provides hosting services to MCDA's, the services are provided following an official request from the respective MCDA.  Web application hosting is done in a shared environment, upon the official request of the MCDA. Once the request is received and approved then MCDA is requested to share the web applications files which undergo vulnerability assessment and subsequent hosting.

3. Emails

ICT Authority has been providing email-hosting services for MCDAs under the shared services framework. The shared platform runs on Zimbra Collaborative Suite email system and has been in place since October 2020 with over 100 MCDAs and 22900 email accounts hosted. The setup is a multi-domain configuration and we are able to onboard an unlimited number of MCDAs. It has been the interest of the government to have all official communication happen using official email addresses and the Zimbra setup has been a great enabler. This has removed the burden of managing an email system from the MCDAs.

Benefits of a Shared Platform
(1) Central management of licenses and infrastructure
(2) One shared platform as opposed to disparate email systems
(3) Delegated domain administrators who manage emails for a specific domain
(4) Centralized security infrastructure

How to get on-boarded on shared emails as a Ministry, County Government Department & Agency
Write a letter to CEO ICT Authority requesting for onboarding and a team will help you set up new accounts or migrate existing ones or send smail through:  info@ict.go.ke



Huduma WhiteBox is an initiative of the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of ICT and Youth Affairs and the ICT Authority, geared towards catalyzing the successful growth of local ventures to, world-class status. The main objective of this initiative is to create a one-stop shop for anyone who wants to present, share or sell an idea, innovation, invention or solution to the government. 

The Huduma Whitebox programme aims to assist Kenyan innovators by providing technical support, advisory services, access to market, networking opportunities, and access to incubation and accelerator facilities. This is all aimed at assisting innovators as they develop their innovations and launch them in the market. The program has a training component that provided instructive training to innovators on topical issues that affect the innovator. Currently, training is provided on intellectual property, business modeling, go-to-market product strategies, sourcing for funding and various technologies that innovators can use to accelerate the deployment of their innovations.

Huduma Whitebox processes have a systematic approach for receiving, prioritizing, evaluating and validating new ideas, to support them to grow and scale. As such, they have been extensively researched and validated thereby incorporating industry best practices of innovation management. 
The program is in line with ICT Authority’s mandate to promote ICT innovations and enterprise.

Visit https://whitebox.go.ke/ learn more about the Huduma Whitebox program. 

Connectivity Infrastructure

Kenya currently boasts of being one of the most connected countries on the Eastern Coast of Africa. There are six submarine cables; TEAMS, EASSY, SEACOM, DARE, PEACE and LION that offer connectivity to the rest of the world via redundant routing. The shared services including the internet are accessed through the Government Common Core Network (GCCN). Inland, there is a backbone, metro and last-mile connectivity that has cut across the country through the government National Optic Fiber Infrastructure (NOFBI).

Subsequently, the Government network is connected to the international broadband highway through TEAMS, undersea Fiber cable providing an activated internet capacity of 10 Gbps. GoK has a 20% shareholding of 5.2 TB (current capacity of TEAMS). The current TEAMS cable has no redundancy and thus affects the service availability and compromises the quality of the service. There are other submarine Cables at the coast which are as follows: -
     (a) DARE 1
     (b) SEACOM
     (c) LION-2
     (d) EASSY
     (e) PEACE


Marine Fibre Cables

























The government in the last ten (10) years has built about 8900km of terrestrial fiber that has reached the sub-county level mainly connecting key government institutions and offices to offer service delivery. The government implemented the National Optic Fibre Backbone Infrastructure (NOFBI) in three Phases. NOFBI phase I was implemented between 2005-2009 and covered 4300Km of terrestrial fiber. NOFBI Phase 1 was largely a linear network and needed to be improved to make it more reliable and available; hence in 2010 the Government embarked of NOFBI Phase 2 in order to provide a more reliable, stable and efficient basic backbone network and also offer protection/redundancy leveraging on the NOFBI Phase I implementation
The NOFBI Phase 2 project work started in September 2014 and its scope included 2,100 KM fiber links and IP equipment to all the 47-county headquarters, the building of metropolitan area networks in all 47-county headquarters, and creating redundancy to the national backbone.
In 2017, the government embarked on NOFBI 2E network with a scope of 2,500 KM fiber links and IP equipment majorly covering sub-counties and creating sub-rings to further increase redundancy as shown in figure 1. Kenya has since achieved a more reliable, stable and efficient national backbone network that is being used by the Government at the National and County levels.


National Optic Fibre Backbone Infrastructure

In the last 10 years, the government has built a total of 534km of metro mostly in the Nairobi and County headquarters mainly connecting key public institutions and offices to offer service delivery. Due to metro connectivity challenges and the need for interconnectivity in public institutions, there is a great demand for the government to expand metro connectivity for effective service delivery as per the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Digital economy blueprint, National Broadband Strategy 2018-2023and Smart Africa 2063.

The foundation of ICT infrastructure is physical connectivity. That is a combination of First Mile, Middle Mile, and Last Mile. First Mile is the underwater cables, the Middle Mile is the backbone and metro network along with transmission and core network, and the Last Mile is the final connection to users. The Last mile connectivity aims to ensure that national, county and other government institutions are connected to the backbone network for the delivery of digital services across the country. 


Government Unified Communication Systems

Unified Communications provides a wealth of tools to increase and improve collaboration internally within government offices. With features to elevate internal visibility and expanded messaging capabilities, Unified Communication gives government offices a boost in office productivity while ensuring a simple, intuitive user experience. Unified communications are often described as the integration of enterprise communication services such as chat, VOIP, email and video conferencing.

The GUC helps enhance transparency in service provision, speed of service delivery to citizens and promote collaboration and data sharing among government Ministries, Departments and Agencies by;
    (a) Providing free telephone and video calls between connected government offices.
    (b) Providing a unified telephone directory of government officials and public servants.
    (c) Providing alternative ways for government employees to collaborate such as instant messaging.

Users have a centralized directory that can be used to access other users in other Government offices. There are currently more than 11,000 users onboarded across all 47 County Offices.

The Kenya Digital Economy Acceleration Project (KDEAP)


The Kenya Digital Economy Acceleration Project (KDEAP) is a World Bank-financed initiative aimed at enhancing Kenya's digital infrastructure and services. In April 2023, the World Bank approved $390 million in financing for the first phase of KDEAP, which focuses on:

  • Expanding access to high-speed internet: This involves increasing broadband network coverage, particularly in rural and underserved areas, to support the growth of the digital economy.
  • Improving the quality and delivery of education and selected government services: By investing in digital platforms and services, the project aims to transform how the government operates and delivers services to citizens.
  • Building skills for the regional digital economy: KDEAP seeks to equip young Kenyans with digital skills, enhancing their ability to compete in domestic and regional markets.

The project is structured in two phases:

  1. Phase One (2023–2028): Focuses on expanding internet access, improving service delivery, and building digital skills.
  2. Phase Two (2026–2030): Aims to create a data-driven and secure environment for enhanced digital service delivery and innovation.

Additionally, KDEAP plans to mobilize an estimated $100 million in private capital by engaging the private sector in broadband infrastructure development.

This initiative aligns with the Kenya's National Digital Master Plan," which aspires to transform the country into a regional ICT hub by increasing fiber optic coverage to 100,000 km and digitizing 80% of public services.

The Kenya Digital Economy Acceleration Project (KDEAP) aims to enhance digital infrastructure by expanding the national fiber backbone and enabling last-mile connectivity to institutions such as schools, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) centers, and universities.



The government of Kenya is implementing the Digital Super Highway Project. The purpose of Digital Super Highway is to increase the fibre network coverage across the country, reduce cost of internet connectivity and enhance the delivery of e-government services, health services, agricultural services and financial services. The key components of the project include the deployment of 100,000 Km of fiber cable, Installation of 25,000 public Wi-Fi hotspots, establishment of 1,450 Digital Village Smart Hubs and Studios, establishment of three (3) data centers and data protection & cyber security management

Part of the project is being implemented through funding from the Universal Service Fund managed by the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA).

The implementation of Digital Superhighway project started November 2023

Project flow




Phase one of the project component being funded by CA with Ksh 5 billion targeting Backbone Connectivity, Metro Connectivity and Last mile site of a total of 2,500km. To progress the implementation of the DSH towards achieving greatest impact, the Government has allocated more funds to expedite its roll out with additional funds from USF that takes the project to the second phase.

Phase two of the digital Superhighway project will be funded by the Communication Authority with Ksh 10 Billion from USF.


Below is the overall status of Digital Superhighway implementation under USF phase 1

Design – 100%

Last Mile sites completed- 77% (312 sites out of 405)

Backbone – 88% Completed to date

1,512 Km of fibre has been installed in the targeted 1,728.64 Km of Backbone links representing a completion rate of 88 % as presented in

The implementation of the last mile has attained 312 sites out of the projected 405 sites representing a completion rate of 77 % as per Table 2 below.

Backbone Summary by Milestones

Milestone (1,728.64 Km)

Kilometers Completed

Status % of Overall Scope




Duct laying & Backfilling



Fibre blowing



Last Mile Summary By Milestones





Sites Completed



Sites ongoing



Total Sites in Scope


Challenges Experienced



Unfavourable weather condition and floods

Contractors advised to observe safety and fast-track project on resumption of favourable conditions.

Wayleave issues from county governments, KWS, KR & KENHA

Engaged all relevant government agencies to allow access. (CoG, KENHA, KWS, KPC & KR)

Security Alerts in counties such as Mandera, Tana River and Lamu

Working with security agencies for clearance for each alert raised.

Slow progress in mobilization by some contractors

Fast tracking payment for work already completed. Majority of contractors working towards completion

Terrain challenges and rocky grounds

Contractors advised to use appropriate equipment

Payment of completed works by CA

Joint approach to resolve all necessary documentation for payment to be effected.


Under Phase II implementation the focus is on last-mile connectivity across all 47 counties, aiming to connect approximately 8,000 sites by leveraging on the energy sector infrastructure.

The Authority has contracted Kenya Power & Lighting Co PLC in June 2024 for design, Supply Delivery, Installation, and Commissioning of Optic Fiber cable Network and associated works for the Phase II of digital superhighway project across the country targeting specific institutions.

  • Through CA-USF funding, ICTA has contracted the Kenya Power and Lighting Company to connect government institutions, including schools, TVETs, universities, digital hubs, Health centres, public Wi-Fi sites, and Centres of Excellence.
  • The initial part of this phase will utilize the initial KES 2.5 billion of the KES 10 billion.


The scope for this phase II will involve:

  • Implementation and Commissioning of an estimated 3,868 Last Mile Sites.
  • Installation and Commissioning of Last Mile Fiber Optic Cable via KPLC Infrastructure across Kenya's 47 Counties
  • Installation and commissioning of Optical Line Terminal (OLT) equipment in identified 278 Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) locations

Last Mile Sites Summary

SourceURL:file:///home/matayo/Downloads/Comms Website Update (1).docx



Number of Institutions


Government Institution



Primary School



High/Secondary School






Health Center



Police Station/Security Institution



Public Wifi Site



TVET/Polytechnic/KMTC/ICT Hub



Center of Excellence/Hub





The Horn of Africa Gateway Development Project (HoAGDP)



The Horn of Africa Gateway Development Project (HoAGDP) is an infrastructure project funded by the World Bank and Government of Kenya that begun in 2020 and will run for a period of 8 years. The goal is to enhance the economic development in Northern Eastern Kenya and foster regional integration with Horn of Africa countries.

The project is part of a broader program by the Bank and other development partners under a Series of Projects effort to support the implementation of the HoA Initiative starting with specific initiatives in Kenya and followed by a series of similar activities in the neighboring countries of Somalia and Ethiopia to ensure full benefits of regional integration are realized.

The project mainly encompasses improving of the road network of the Isiolo-Mandera road and the ICT Civil works by KENHA while ICT Authority will install the fibre optic cable. The development objectives of this project are to improve the movement of people and goods, digital and social services to communities at designated locations along the targeted sections of the Isiolo‐Mandera regional road corridor, and capacity building of selected transport and related institutions.

The Authority’s role is the improvement of digital services along the 740KM corridor and within the major towns. To achieve that, we will be installing a new fiber optic cable traversing the counties of Isiolo, Meru, Wajir, Garissa and Mandera. The project scope also includes the construction of fiber spurs and rings, provision of connectivity points for selected schools, hospitals and other strategic locations including pastoralist road side markets, rest stops, community and service centers along the corridor as well as also connecting community information centers along the corridor with fiber optic connections.

ICT Authority is currently at the design phase of the project with implementation works scheduled to begin next year.


SourceURL:file:///home/matayo/Downloads/Comms Website Update (1).docx

Welcome to the ICT Authority (ICTA) Enterprise Services Page. ICTA is dedicated to driving Kenya’s digital transformation by providing robust ICT infrastructure and services. Through the One Government Network (OGN), a nationwide fiber optic network, ICTA offers reliable, high-capacity connectivity reaching all corners of the country, supporting both government and private sector clients. We also provide advanced data center services, managed ICT solutions, and much more to enable seamless digital services for organizations across Kenya.

"Connecting Kenya, Empowering Progress!"

Explore our full suite of enterprise services, designed to enhance connectivity, data management, security, and digital transformation for businesses, government entities, and educational institutions.



1. Network Services

Our Network Services provide high-speed, reliable connectivity to both government institutions and private sector organizations through the One Government Network (OGN). Designed to handle 400Gbps on the backbone and 100Gbps on the sub-backbone, the OGN delivers unparalleled connectivity solutions for various requirements.

Network Services Offered:

  • L2/L3 Capacity: Experience seamless data transfer with our advanced Layer 2 and Layer 3 network services.
  • Internet Services for MDAs: Dedicated, secure internet services for government agencies, ensuring high-quality digital service delivery.
  • Dark Fiber Leasing: Access high-capacity dark fiber for customized network solutions.
  • Duct Leasing: Utilize our secure duct infrastructure for deploying your own fiber assets.
  • Cross-Border Connectivity: Expand your network beyond Kenya with reliable connectivity to neighboring countries, including South Sudan.

"Your Link to Kenya’s Digital Backbone!"

Process for Network Service Inquiry:

  • Step 1: Download and complete the Enterprise Services Enquiry Form.
  • Step 2: Attach your completed form, Certificate of Incorporation, and KRA Pin Certificate.
  • Step 3: Email your documents to enterprise@icta.go.ke.



2. Data Center Services

ICTA’s Data Center Services are tailored specifically for government institutions. With two major data centers in Nairobi and mini data centers in each county, ICTA ensures secure, reliable, and scalable data solutions to meet the demands of digital government services.

"Secure Your Data with ICTA – Always Protected, Always Accessible!"

Data Center Services Offered:

  • Data Center Colocation: Host your government servers in our secure, climate-controlled facilities.
  • Server Hosting: High-performance hosting for government applications and data storage.
  • Cloud Services: Scalable cloud solutions optimized for government requirements.
  • Managed Backups: Robust backup solutions for data protection and availability.

Why Choose ICTA Data Centers?

  • Reliability: Enjoy 99.99% uptime for all hosted services.
  • Scalability: Expand your data requirements easily with additional power and cooling.
  • Security: Benefit from stringent physical and digital security measures, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity.



3. Managed ICT Services

ICTA’s Managed ICT Services support government institutions, delivered by our 24/7 Network Operations Center (NOC) and County ICTA Officers. Our experts manage and optimize your IT infrastructure, allowing you to focus on delivering public services efficiently.

"Let Us Manage Your IT, So You Can Focus on What Matters!"

Managed ICT Services Offered:

  • Infrastructure Management: Complete management of your network, servers, and IT systems for optimal performance.
  • End-User Support: Fast, responsive support for troubleshooting, software installation, and hardware maintenance.
  • Remote Monitoring and Management: Proactive system monitoring to address issues before they affect your operations.
  • Vendor Management: We handle vendor relationships, ensuring timely procurement and maintenance.



4. Security Services

ICTA’s Security Services target clients connected to the OGN network, providing advanced security solutions to safeguard data and communications. Our services include SSL certification, National PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), and other cybersecurity measures to ensure data integrity and protect against threats.

"Secure Your Network, Protect Your Data!"

Security Services Offered:

  • Firewall and Content Filtering: Block unauthorized access and filter content to ensure network security.
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention: Proactively monitor and detect potential security threats.
  • Endpoint Security: Comprehensive protection for all devices connected to your network.
  • SSL Certificates: Secure your online communications with SSL for data encryption.
  • National PKI: Access trusted digital certificates and services for secure government communications.
  • Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Testing: Identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.



5. Cross-Border and Connectivity Solutions

"Expand Your Reach Across Borders!"

Our Cross-Border Connectivity Solutions are designed for organizations seeking to expand their services regionally. With ICTA’s seamless international connectivity, government agencies and enterprises can extend their network reach to neighboring countries, including South Sudan.

Cross-Border Services Offered:

  • High-Capacity Connectivity: Dedicated cross-border links for reliable data transfer.
  • International Bandwidth: Access guaranteed quality of service for international operations.
  • Seamless Integration: Connect your existing infrastructure effortlessly with OGN, scaling as needed.



6. Systems and Website Development

ICTA offers Systems and Website Development exclusively for government institutions, helping them enhance their digital presence and streamline public services through custom-built solutions.

"Build a Digital Presence That Serves Your Community!"

Development Services Offered:

  • Website Development: Design, develop, and deploy official government websites with a focus on usability and accessibility.
  • Custom Software Solutions: Tailored applications for public service delivery and internal government operations.
  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Easy-to-use CMS solutions for website updates and content management.
  • E-Government Solutions: Digitize public services with robust, scalable government applications.



7. Email Services

ICTA’s Email Services are specifically designed for government institutions, hosting official emails under the .go.ke domain. We provide secure, reliable email solutions that support communication across government agencies.

"Secure Email Solutions for a Connected Government!"

Email Services Offered:

  • Government Domain Email Hosting: Professional email hosting for official .go.ke government domains.
  • Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 Support: Full integration and support for Microsoft Exchange, enhancing productivity and collaboration.
  • Spam and Malware Protection: Protect against phishing, malware, and spam threats.
  • Email Archiving: Ensure compliance and preserve communications with secure archiving solutions.



How to Engage with ICTA Enterprise Services

If you’re interested in any of our services, please follow these steps:

  1. Complete the Enterprise Services Enquiry Form available on our website.
  2. Attach the required documents (Certificate of Incorporation, KRA Pin Certificate).
  3. Email your documents to enterprise@icta.go.ke.
  4. Our team will reach out to discuss your needs and provide further information.

"Partner with ICTA – Leading Kenya’s Digital Transformation!"



Why Choose ICTA?

  • Nationwide Reach: The OGN connects all corners of Kenya, including remote areas, with high-speed, reliable connectivity.
  • Security and Compliance: ICTA adheres to international standards, offering secure, trustworthy services for government and enterprises.
  • Scalability: Our services are designed to grow with your organization, meeting both current and future needs.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: We work closely with clients to deliver tailored solutions that enable digital transformation and operational efficiency.



Contact Us Today For more information on our services, or to discuss how ICTA can support your organization’s digital journey, please email us at enterprise@icta.go.ke. Let us help you leverage the power of technology to drive progress and innovation across Kenya.

Eastern Africa Regional Transport, Trade and Development Facilitation Project (EARTTDFP)

The Government of Kenya received financing from the International Development Association (IDA) in the form of a "Credit" toward the cost of Eastern Africa Regional Transport, Trade and Development Facilitation Project (EARTTDFP).

EARTTDFP Project involves the construction of a Fiber Optic Cable Network alongside part of Eldoret - Nakodok Corridor. The scope of works under ICTA mandate involved Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, Training, Warranty and Maintenance of two (2) optical fiber networks (backbone and access) along the Eldoret to Nadapal-nakodok road.

The EARTTDFP Optic Fiber Cable Network Project extends along five (5) counties (Uasin Gishu, Part of Kakamega, Trans Nzoia, West Pokot and Turkana) from Eldoret County Commissioner’s office building and ending up at Nadapal/Nakodok border post where its interfacing between the Kenyan side of the network and the South Sudan side of the network. The network provides an infrastructure to serve the National and County government administration offices and government institutions such as dispensaries, hospitals, citizen service offices (Huduma centers), schools, colleges and universities, security and law enforcement posts, border immigration and customs centers as well as communications service providers.

The project was implemented by two (2) government agencies through integrated infrastructure building model whereby KENHA implemented the civil works of the main backbone and ICT Authority implemented the Spurs civil works, OFC cable installation, Supply and installation of passive and active equipment as well as commissioning of the network.

Project Objectives

The EARTTDFP Optic Fibre Cable (OFC) Network Project contribute towards the extension of the geographic reach of Optic Fibre Cable Network in order to improve service delivery (for both public and private sector services) in the North-Western part of Kenya. The expected outcomes are as follows:

  • Enhance and enable Digital Service delivery in the region.
  • Increased traffic volume of international (to South Sudan) and national (to North Western Kenya);
  • Lower Internet service costs and improve internet speeds;
  • Availability of Government E-Services (Operational Huduma Centers) along the development corridor (with the installation of Optic Fibre Cable the North Western part of Kenya will have access to better connectivity which will have the ability to provide online services);
  • Increased employment and income generation in ICT sector along the development corridor (increase in the number of individuals / business engaged in information technology or technology enabled services);
  • Strengthened policy and regulatory framework to support increased competitiveness and realization of an Integrated Infrastructure Development approach leading to decreased ICT costs and improved ICT services.

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